IRS to Provide $1 Billion of Late Payment
Penalty Relief to Select Taxpayers
In anticipation of resuming automated collection notices during 2024, the IRS has announced $1 billion of relief for 4.7 million individuals, businesses, trusts, estates, and tax exempt organizations for late payment penalties where the IRS did not send these taxpayers automated collection reminder notices during the pandemic.
Previously, in February 2022, the IRS announced it was temporarily suspending the mailing of certain automated balance due notices. The IRS continued to send initial balance due notices but not subsequent reminders. Apparently, recognizing that certain taxpayers should not be penalized without having received the reminders, the IRS will be removing their late payment penalties:
Eligible taxpayers need not do anything to obtain relief. The IRS will automatically remove previously imposed, qualifying late payment penalties. To the extent the penalties were already paid, they will be refunded or credited to other liabilities. However, late payment penalties accruing before and after the relief period are not subject to the relief noted above. Additionally, taxpayers will remain liable for all interest accrued on unpaid liabilities.
For more details, see the IRS notice and fact sheet that accompanied the IRS’s announcement.
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